So, you’re looking into hair removal methods for your ears because let’s face it, they’re getting more hairy than you thought they would. Don’t worry – we totally understand! Luckily there’s an easy process to remove excess hair and allow you to feel good about the ears you’re in.
Why do ears get hairy?
Excessive hair growth within the ear canal can happen, but why?! We know hair is there to keep our ears clean and free of harmful debris, but sometimes the hair takes it a step or two too far. Let’s take some time to look into why this happens and what the excess growth can be attributed to.
More ear hair growth with age
First and foremost, it’s widely known, and pretty common, for ear hair to become more prominent with age, especially in men! This can be attributed to the hair’s sensitivity to the hormone known as testosterone. After years and years of the body’s production of this hormone, the hair follicle can begin to become coarser and longer as more testosterone is introduced over a length of time.
Genetics and some medications
Outside of age, scientists hypothesize that genetics and biological conditions and ailments could result with the side effect of both longer nose and ear hair. Outside of health and genetic factors, it is also believed that certain medications impact how long hair will grow within the ear.
Your options for ear hair removal
While this hair may currently be unwanted, it doesn’t have to stay that way! Luckily for all involved, there are a few different methods of removing bothersome ear hair. Let’s go ahead and take a look at what a few of our options are and how they may benefit you and your specific situation.
Trimming or shaving ear hair
The quickest and most easily accessible means of removing unwanted outer ear hair is, well, trimming it! Most of us have some small scissors or maybe even a special electric ear hair trimmer meant for your nose and ears, so why not use it? While the hair trimmer method can easily be done in-home and may be good in a pinch, the results do not prove to last as long as the other contenders.
Plucking or tweezing
Next up we have plucking or tweezing your ear hairs. This method can be a bit more beneficial because it removes the hair from your ear at the root which means the regrowth period will take longer than if the hair was simply shaved. While this seems to be the better option compared to trimming or shaving the hair, there are a few issues. Primarily, plucking and tweezing can be time consuming and, for some, a little more painful and uncomfortable than they are willing to go through.
Waxing for ear hair
Last, but certainly not least, there is a waxing option. Waxing combines the best of both worlds in that the hair is removed from the root, it’s less time consuming, and it’s nowhere near as tedious and painful as plucking. Wax can be applied to the outer ear and remove most, if not all, hair in one fell swoop.
What to expect from an ear hair waxing appointment
If going through these options has you on the same train of thought we’re at (that waxing ear hair is the best overall option available for pesky ear hair), then look no further! Let’s go over what to expect when getting your ears waxed so you feel your most comfortable when trying to look your best.
How long do ear waxing results last?
When waxing your ear hair you can expect your results to last anywhere between a couple weeks to two months depending on your hair’s rate of growth. Remember, you’re not just trimming the hair, you’re removing it at the root. Any unwanted hair won’t be peeking out for quite some time as your hair goes through its normal growth cycles and starts to grow back again.
The cost of ear waxing
Okay, so we’ve gone through the basics of ear waxing and what to expect during your session, but in truth we haven’t gotten to the most important part: the price! While other salons and boutiques may charge different prices, Waxing With Aggy makes sure that we keep your budget in mind when face-scaping. If you choose to get your ears touched up with us, our service runs at only $15 for taking care of both ears.
Book a waxing session at Waxing With Aggy today!
Here at Waxing with Aggy, we really do care about you and your path to putting your best self forward. If you find yourself interested in our ear waxing service, or any waxing service we provide (there’s lots!), please do not hesitate to give us a call or make an appointment online. See you soon!